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Little Girl Lost
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When Marilyn was 10 years Old, her brother, who was 11-and-a-half, drowned while they were swimming at a crowded pool in a suburb of Detroit, Michigan. 
She was sent to the neighbor's house for two nights, told very little, and basically expected to deal with the grief -- or lack of grief, as the adults may have assumed – alone.

The day her brother died in 1943 colored much of her life. The writing and publishing of her story was cathartic, but she also hopes the story along with its guide to resources, and bibliography will assist t/hose who are helping a child
through the loss of a loved one. 

                      Little Girl Lost: A True Story of Tragic Death
                           is available direct from the publisher at

                                          and in EBook and print at 

                                            Excerpt from the book 

Sunday, June 27, 1944

Detroit, Michigan, is bursting its seams with a heavy population concentration of workers, come to the big city to make big money. World War II rages in Europe and automobile factories long ago converted to munitions and tank production. The city and its suburbs still convulse in the wake of an unbelievable week of terror, when race riots blasted war news from Europe right off the front pages of the Detroit Free Press. Mayor Edward Jeffries declared June 21, "Bloody Monday."

I was ten, and neither ready nor able to comprehend the reality of death on the other side of the world, or on the other side of town...


Little Girl Lost provoked me to reflect on how I relate to those who
have experienced the death of a loved one, especially children. It's haunting
presentation from the perspective of a child dragged my typical intellectual
reading into a deeper and sometimes disturbing struggle within my heart. Yet,
Little Girl Lost then rescued me from the dilemma by sharing beneficial insights on how I can respond to grief in more appropriate ways in the future. I have grown from sharing in the experience of Little Girl Lost. 
     -- Rev. James A. Radloff, Pastor, of Holy Redeemer Parish, La Pine, Oregon
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